Teeth Aligners in Islamabad

Teeth Aligners in Islamabad

Dealing with crowded, misaligned teeth, or unsightly gaps can be a source of embarrassment, affecting your smile and confidence. Fortunately, The Master Dentist offers a contemporary and effective solution – Teeth Aligners in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan. In this comprehensive guide, discover how this procedure works, its benefits, results, and other essential information.

An Overview

Teeth aligners are virtually invisible, removable trays customized to fit perfectly over your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, these aligners, made of flexible plastic, offer an alternative for reshaping misaligned teeth and closing gaps without the need for wires or elastics. Dental issues such as overlapped teeth, overbites, underbites, diastema, and misaligned teeth can be effectively addressed with aligners.

How Do They Work?

Teeth aligners work like magic, subtly moving teeth horizontally, vertically, and even rotating them to achieve the desired symmetry. Orthodontists change the aligners every few weeks, applying a slight amount of force to gradually guide teeth into the correct position. Several brands of aligners are recommended based on lifestyle, budget, and specific dental requirements.

The Results

The duration of aligner usage depends on the severity of the dental issues. Results vary, taking anywhere from a few months to over a year. Consistent wear for at least 22 hours a day is crucial for effective changes. Aligner type and the candidate’s commitment play a role in achieving optimal results. Regular follow-ups and adherence to orthodontist instructions are essential for success.


Teeth aligners offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Straightening misaligned teeth without wires or elastics.
  • Gradual movement towards the ideal position.
  • Removability for easy eating and teeth brushing.
  • Invisibility while wearing.
  • No change in the shape of the face.
  • Enhanced smile aesthetics.
  • Affordable cost and comfortable process compared to braces.


When opting for Teeth Aligners in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan at The Master Dentist, the orthodontist conducts a thorough examination and digital scan of the mouth. A customized procedure plan is created, discussed with the candidate, and sent to the manufacturer for aligner preparation. The aligners are crafted to achieve the desired shape for the patient.

The Progress

The process involves:

  • Receiving aligner sets every 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Wearing aligners for 20 to 22 hours daily.
  • Changing trays on time for gradual teeth movement.
  • Completing the aligner sets over 10 to 24 months.
  • Prescribing a custom-made retainer for night wear after completion.

Aftercare Instructions

Aftercare is crucial, and orthodontists provide specific instructions, including:

  • Cleaning aligners with prescribed antibacterial soap.
  • Maintaining oral and physical health.
  • Avoiding abrasive toothpaste.
  • Staying hydrated with at least eight glasses of water daily.
  • Regular self-checks of oral health.
  • Removing aligners before eating and brushing.

Is It Effective For Everyone?

Teeth aligners are effective for candidates with mild to moderate dental issues, including:

  • Minor gaps in teeth.
  • Slight tooth overlap.
  • Minor misshapenness in teeth.

The Cost

The cost of Teeth Aligners in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan varies based on factors such as:

  • Expert orthodontist’s fee.
  • Clinic location and reputation.
  • Aligner type.
  • Checkup sessions.
  • Additional supporting charges.

For detailed cost information, contact The Master Dentist during the initial consultation.

Schedule an Appointment With Us!

For a safe, effective, and painless option to straighten your teeth without traditional braces, consult The Master Dentist for Teeth Aligners in Islamabad. Experience fantastic service and enjoy the journey to achieving perfectly aligned teeth and a confident smile.

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